
This project contains an integrated containerized development environment baked into the Dockerfile build stages.

1. Develop

The local developer environment has a single dependency: docker. The Dockerfile declares a multi-stage build process: base, dev, build, release.

$ make dev
# Build the dev stage.
docker build . -t website-checker-dev --target dev;
[+] Building 70.9s (12/12) FINISHED
# Run the developer workspace.
docker run -v "$(pwd)":/app --rm -it website-checker-dev

Now we have a shell for a Docker container with all of our build dependencies and source code. But, yikes! It takes 70.9s to build? Don’t worry, that is only for the first run, now Docker has cached the layers.

Exist the container and try getting another developer environment.

# Build the dev stage.
docker build . -t website-checker-dev --target dev;
[+] Building 1.1s (12/12) FINISHED 
# Run the developer workspace.
docker run -v "$(pwd)":/app --rm -it website-checker-dev

Okay, 1.1s builds, I can live with that.

2. Test

We like to test that our project is linted, scanned for security vulnerabilities, and our unittests pass with good coverage.

$ make dev
docker run -v "$(pwd)":/app --rm -it website-checker-dev
root@4ce1eab082a8:/app# pre-commit run run --all-files || git add --all
root@4ce1eab082a8:/app# poetry export --format requirements.txt --output requirements.txt
root@4ce1eab082a8:/app# safety check --full-report --file requirements.txt
root@4ce1eab082a8:/app# pytest --cov

Or we can run tests from our host machine

$ make test
# Run pre-commit checks .i.e black and flake8.
docker run -v "$(pwd)":/app --rm -it --entrypoint poetry website-checker-dev run pre-commit run --all-files || git add --all
# Run security vulnerabilities checks for Python dependencies.
docker run -v "$(pwd)":/app --rm -it --entrypoint poetry website-checker-dev export --format requirements.txt --output requirements.txt
docker run -v "$(pwd)":/app --rm -it --entrypoint poetry website-checker-dev run safety check --full-report --file requirements.txt
# Run the Python test suite.
docker run -v "$(pwd)":/app --rm -it --entrypoint poetry website-checker-dev run pytest --cov -vvv

3. Build local image

In some cases, it can be nice to be able to build a local release image.

$ make build
# Build release image.
docker build . -t website-checker
# Build Docker release image and tag.
docker tag website-checker:latest website-checker:latest
docker tag website-checker:latest website-checker:0.3.3

4. (Optional) Install pre-commit

pre-commit checks run inside our workspace container by when run with make test; however, since all the pre-commit dependencies are manage by Poetry, we can install pre-commit on our host machine. For example

$ poetry install

$ pre-commit install
pre-commit installed at .git/hooks/pre-commit

# manually verify with
$ pre-commit run -a

5. Release

Both PYPI and Dockerhub releases are handled by the Release Github Action. Ensure you bump the Poetry project version accordingly before releasing your changes. e.g. this is how you would do a minor release:

$ poetry version minor
Bumping version from 0.1.1-alpha.2 to 0.2.0

Then push up your code and tag the branch. The Github Actions will trigger on the creation of a new tag.

$ make release
git tag 0.2.0
git push --tags